For reservations, please call toll-free (866) 827-1417 or register with our online form below.
Many people don’t really think things through with regard to their estate planning, and they are quite surprised and grateful when they attend one of our seminars – we have been doing them for over 20 years! Our attendees often learn things about estate planning that they didn’t previously know, and they recognize that they would have made mistakes if they hadn’t gotten all the facts from a reliable, trusted and experienced source.
Seminar Topics Covered:
- How to do cost-effective estate planning, including hassle-free estate settlement;
- How and why most couple’s PRE-2013 wills and living trusts should be changed to prevent needless capital gains taxes;
- How to create multi-generational Tax-Free Wealth;
- How to legally cancel taxes on any kind of income;
- How to slash taxes by 50% when converting IRAs and 401ks to Roth IRAs;
- How to guarantee no one can ever change your estate plan after you are dead;
- How to legally make full annual Roth IRA contributions with NO income limitations; and
- How to get reliable Tax-Free monthly income WITHOUT municipal bonds or Roth IRAs.
Who Should Attend:
- People who want to legally shrink or eliminate income taxes, capital gains taxes and estate taxes;
- People who want to maximize their tax-free wealth for themselves, their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren;
- People who want to protect their wealth from the volatility of today’s stock market “trading casino”;
- People with “blended” families, “troublesome” in-laws, or no children, who therefore need very clear estate plans; and
- People who want significant returns on their cash, instead of the paltry returns they are getting now from savings accounts, money markets and CDs.
Seminar Dates and Times:
Dates to be announced.

You can also register using the online form below. We look forward to seeing you at one of our seminars soon.
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